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CD / Digital album
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Orkus Magazine
DE: Die Laermfabrik der weiblichen Haelfte von Ambassador21 meldet sich mit einem neuen Suicide Inside-Album zurueck – und wie! Die ersten drei Tracks schlagen mit gnadenlosem Rhythm Noise-Krach um sich, bis zu einer ersten kleinen Ruhepause namens Kill The Guilt, einem textlastigen, erst groovenden, dann sich zu einem Krawallmonster entwickelnden Track. Dead Red wirkt deutlich strukturierter und songorientierter als noch Theory Of The Arising Of Desire oder Learn To Swallow, hat aber an Wucht und Originalitaet noch zugelegt. Hier finden sich in den elf Tracks so einige musikalische Bonmots und interessante Spielereien, Hauptaugenmerk ist aber dennoch Rhythm Noise in seiner derbsten Form; harsche Soundwaelle und eine deutliche Sprache in Form harter Lyrics. Drei gelungene, wuchtige Remixe von Moctan, config.sys und Beinhaus runden das apokalyptische Dead Red letztlich perfekt ab. (9)
EN: The noise factory of Ambassador21’s female half is back with a new massive Suicide Inside album. The first three tracks hit you with merciless Rhythm-Noise until you get your first short break ‘Kill The Guilt’, a vocal dominated, firstly grooving, then pretty noisily evolving track. ‘Dead Red’ seems a lot more structured and song oriented then the previous ‘Theory Of The Arising Of Desire’ and ‘Learn To Swallow’, but also gained more vehemence and authenticity. On these eleven tracks you’ll find a lot of musical bon mots and interesting gimmickry. Anyhow the main aspect is Rhythm Noise in it’s roughest form, harsh soundwalls and clear vocals in the form of hard lyrics. Three good Remixes from Moctan, Config.Sys and Beinhaus are completing this great apocalyptic release.’
Elegy Magazine
FR: Suicide Inside, le projet parallele du duo biellorusse Ambassador21, signe avec Dead Red son troisieme album. D’un grande variete sonore et rythmique, ce disque mele indus, noise, electro et techno pour une musique toujours rentre-dedans emmenee par le chant agressif et presque haineux de Natasha. Sa voix tranche parfois avec l’apparente tranquilite d’une melodie comme sur “Lick The Silence”, mais le plus souvent ca bastonne severe a l’image d'”Eternity smells like Skin”, avec parfois des cassures de rythmes comme sur le sournois “Leaving your Body” ou “Aflame”. Et pour les dance-floors, il y a de quoi travailler son jeu de jambe avec l’hypnotique et minimal “Kidnapping of Europe”, le tres (trop ?) Converter “Dance In Emptiness” ou le subtil et terriblement efficace “Red Flower”. Que dire d’autre si ce n’est que le titre eponyme est sans doute le meilleur titre, entetant en diable et que 3 remixes signes Moctan, Config.Sys et Beinhaus font figure de jolies cerises sur ce gateau a la russe. Attention tout de meme a l’indigestion sur la longueur!
EN: Suicide Inside, side project of Ambassador21, releases Dead Red, its third album. Consisting with a mix of various sonic and rythmic influences, this album uses industrial, noise and electro technoid punchy influences, lead by Natasha’s aggresive and hatefull voice. This sometimes scratches the false impression of tranquility of a melody like “Lick the silence”. But, most of the time this sounds really kicky like “Eternity smells like skin”, and uses a lot of breaks like “Leaving your body” or “Aflame”. Considering dance floor act, you will dance on hypnotical and minimalistic “Kidnapping of Europe”, or the (too much) souding-like Converter “Dance in Emptiness” or the subtil and efficient “Red Flower”.
What else, except that the eponym song is probably the best one, a really catchy one, and that the three remixes by Moctan, Config.Sys and Beinhaus are a nice present on this russian birthday cake.
Just take care of an indigestion if eating too much!