INVLTD006 / PFLICHT029 (C)&(P) Invasion / Pflichtkauf
CD / Digital album
Digital version available on Bandcamp and all the rest best digital stores
Orkus Magazine
Was den harten Industrial Hardcore-Sound angeht, sind die Weissrussen Ambassador21 derzeit immer noch ungeschlagen an der Spitze vorzufinden – nicht zuletzt, weil das Duo mit Suicide Inside ein zweites heisses Eisen im Feuer hat, dessen Gesamtbild etwas melodischer und deutlich gesangspraechtiger (wenngleich nicht mit zu viel davon) zelebriert wird. Mit frischem Deal bei der deutschen Plattenfirma Pflichtkauf wird nun neben dem kurzlich auf dem eigenen Label Invasion Wreck Chords erschienenen Werk Learn To Swallow (in schickerem Digipak-Design) das merklich aggressivere und durchdachter wirkende Album Theory Of The Arising Of Desire veroeffentlicht. Dessen zehn Tracks (plus ein grooviger Mimetic-Remix) sind von klaren Aussagen und industriell-brutaler Markierung gepraegt, leihen sich gelegentlich recht hubsch verfremdete Themen anderer Stuecke (zum Beispiel eine Linie von The Prodigys No Good) und verbauen selbige komplett in die Eigenkomposition, sodass ein “Klau”-Gedanke keine Chance zum Keimen hat. Grundsaetzlich ist Theory Of The Arising Of Desire erneut etwas fuer Freunde des Schaffens eines Alec Empire und Freaks multiindustriellen elektronischen Punkcore-Irrsinns in all seiner moeglichen sonischen Durchschlagskraft, brachial gewaltig bis rasend schnell – und was die praechtige, erotische Photostrecke im Booklet der speziellen Klapp-Digi-Verpackung betrifft… darueber wird hier genussvoll geschwiegen.
Orkus Magazine
DE: Im schicken Sputnik-DVD-Pak und auf rare 32 Exemplare limitiert kommt es daher, das gute harte Stueck. Wesentlich aggressiver als das Debut Theory Of The Arising Of Desire und musikalisch naeher an den befreundeten Ambassador21, zwirbelt Learn To Swallow harte Techno-Beats plus eine ordentliche Portion Breakcore plus wummernde, tief verzerrte Noise-Loops plus eine wuetende weibliche Aggro-Stimme durch die Boxen, was alles zusammen den neun Tracks eine treibende Kraft verleiht und durch die Vielseitigkeit und den Variantenreichtum im Sound keine Sekunde Langeweile aufkommen laesst, sondern vielmehr einen enormen Tanz- und Abgehreiz verstroemt – taugt ganz gut zum Aufwaermen, perfekter jedoch fuer den Club, um die Stimmung an den Siedepunkt zu bringen beziehungsweise sie dort zu halten.
ENG: Coming in a fancy Sputnik-DVD-Pak and limited to 32 copies, here it comes along, this good, hard piece of work. Significantly more aggressive than the debut “Theory Of The Arising Of Desire”, and in terms of music closer to the associated Ambassador21, “Learn To Swallow” wrenches hard techno-beats plus a respectable dosis of breakcore plus droning, deeply distorted noise loops plus an angry female aggro-voice out of your speakers. All together, this supplies the nine tracks with driving force and never a second becomes monotonous, due to the richness of variance and variety in the sound. On the contrary, it exudes an enormous attraction for dancing and physical release, is good for warming up, more perfectly however suited for the club, in order to bring the vibes to a boiling point and/or keep them there.
The new album of this harsh Russian combo is a powerful experience in heavy blasts of distorted sounds. SI moves in between the borders of industrial and dark electronic music. A few Dive-influences are running through some of the songs (“Beware my fangs” being probably the most typical one). “Learn to swallow” is an album full of roughness and an expression of hate emerging from the vocals. With cuts like “Outerman”, “Learn to swallow” and the more repetitive “Blind devil” they here realize a pretty cool industrial release!
Suicide Inside is a side-project by Ambassador21, from Belarus, and released this album before in the very limited quantity of 32 copies. The album is now re-release by Pflichtkauf, whom also released the first Suicide Inside-album ‘Theory Of The Arising Of Desire’. ‘Learn To Swallow’ is a bit altered, a track has been taken off the final pressing, but another one was added (“A Little Lower Than Angel”) and two remixes were added; “Angel” by Flint Glass and “Swallow This” by Empusae.
It’s clear Suicide Inside has been given the opportunity to impress, for the record label (mostly known for the Maschinenfest-sampler CD’s, I reckon) and the two remixers are quite known in the genre. The best thing is that they actually manage to impress for this is qualitively an outstanding offering. There’s nothing really wrong with this album, actually all ten track, including the mentioned remixes, are worth mentioning. The slight hint of Ambassador 21 is also still there, which makes this probably even a better record then A21’s last offering for it combines the potential of A21 with the more noisy aspect of Pflichtkauf. Imagine Atari Teenage Riot meets noise-hybrid; some form of punky industrial noise. Surely recommendable.
Babes In Boyland
I was looking forward to receiving the opus from Ambassador 21’s side project. I knew it would be different because of their track ‘angel’ heard on myspace but what would it sound like? Well ‘Learn to swallow’ will take you to a multi-layered mental journey where thumping rhythms alternate with brittle ambiences where power noise meets some frail atmospheres, where female screams, spoken words or sighs aim to thrill your heart (and don’t get me wrong, it really does). ‘Antimonopoly’ will reveal awkward deep dim emotions; forgotten ones that were buried somewhere far cavernous in your unconscious. The CD is definitely oppressive, dark, broken and it is what makes it unique and striking. Let them invite you to that mysterious yet pleasing journey, as they’ve said themselves, they’ll “teach you how to swallow”, and you’ll learn what mental distress by listening to these dark heavy rhythmic noise emanations…
Vice Germany
Unsere Freunde aus Minsk treten an. Kalter Schweiss und Waffen im Club. Im CD-Inlet befindet sich eine Rasierklinge. Koepfe knallen auf Beton. Irgendetwas, ein Schraubenzieher, fraest sich in deinen Oberschenkel. Tanzt, bis ihr verreckt! Zerstoerung ist die einzige Loesung, ob Gucci- Filiale, Pulsader oder weniger Greifbares. Egal, was danach kommt, es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall.