INV041 (C)&(P) Invasion
CD / Digital album
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Orkus Magazine
Die Electro Noise-Terroristen aus Weissrussland melden sich zum vorerst letzten Mal in diesem Jahr mit einem Longplayer – und zwar dem allerschoensten: Fuck All $y$tem$ ist das fuenfte regulaere Studioalbum des Duos, das hiermit einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung konstruktiv konstruierter Industrialectro-Songs getan hat. Selten waren die Tracks so gut strukturiert und durchdacht, und gleichzeitig nie brutaler: Der Ambassador21-Standard ist Gewaltmacht in Harmonie, Brachialitaet im elektronischen Sound, Chaos innerhalb der Ordnung – Widerstand und Punk. Letzteres findet man – musikalisch gesehen – in Fat In Fire, welches einen Dead Kennedys-Song (At My Job) als Grundlage hat, doch auch textlich sind Alexey und Natasha Protasov sowohl boese, ironisch als auch zynisch unterwegs. Psychosickness at its best, Zerstoerung der konservativen Soundmonopole, ohne sich zu sehr oder gar stumpf ins UEbertriebene hinein zu verlieren. Das ist genau der Electro Noise Punk, wie ihn das 21. Jahrhundert verdient hat! Man teste $trong, Brave, Angry… Remixe von S.I.N.A., Imminent und Synapscape runden dieses apokalyptische Werk wuerdig ab.
This new album of A21 comes to celebrate their 5th anniversary. The point is that this Belorussian duo doesn’t really compose stereotypical music for birthday parties. Their sound remains a brute and merciless outburst of electro-industrial noise! “Fuck All Systems” is however their most surprising release to date. Two songs perfectly illustrate it although they’re not for sure the most representative ones for what they’ve done for so far. The opening cut “In Love” is definitely a harsh and merciless piece of power-noise built up with raw sounds, sexy female screams and a devastating rhythmic, but it’s definitely one of the most danceable-club tracks they’ve ever made! The other cut I was referring to is entitled “Flesh Of My Flesh”. We again perceive the brute power of A21 while we also recognize a few Kraftwerk samplings and a song that evolves into a kind of industrial-trance style. Next to these cool cuts we get the usual and familiar sound of this band. A pure hardcore outburst with tympana-damaging rhythms and chaotic noise structures overloaded with enraging screams. At the end of the album we also get a live cut (cf. “Smell Of Exemplary Life” and 3 remixes A21 made for other bands (S.I.N.A., Imminent and Synapscape). Happy birthday guys and keep on the good industrial work!
When I started with this review I decided that comparing Ambassador21 with Atari Teenage Riot would be not done. Because Ambassador21 has a reputation of their own in this genre. Comparing is not easy to omit when a album begins with a song like “In love” where especially the vocals sound like Atari Teenage Riot. This song sure is a great kick-off of this album. This album however doesn’t have obvious punk influences and sounds more like harsh Ambassador21 industrial.
This band is developing in their own direction. Because of the various influences and their own creativity comparing this band with other bands is out of place. Ambassador21 is what they are and seems untouchable again with this album.
A nice addition is the live version of “Smell of exemplary life”. And remixes by S.I.N.A., Imminent and Synapscape. Technically good songs with a strong build-up. The members of this band still keep doing great.
Vice Germany
Wirklich alle? Ja, geht denn das? Es kracht also wieder weiter. Kaum jemand produziert so schnell wie das Minsker Digital Hardcore Riot Duo, das es sich nicht nehmen laesst, noch sloganesker, noch aggressiver aufzutreten. Wenn Alexey und Natasha so weiter machen mit ihren elektronischen Anschlaegen, werden sie im eigenen Land (wenn nicht sogar weltweit) bald als Gefahr fuer die oeffentliche Ordnung gehandelt – was einem Ritterschlag gleichkaeme.